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Image by Studio Blackthorns


Welcome to my work. Each project below is what I have done during my time in college - beginning September 2021 to June 2023! I enjoy every project I do and always find a way to give things a glimpse of my personality.


Please note every project below will open in a new tab, which will take you to my Behance Portfolio. The below view is in order of my most recent project to the earliest. 

Discover the Padlet Portfolio

To view my full projects from start to finish, click here to access my course Padlets.

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Graphic Design Portfolio 2023

This project was about identifying who I am as a designer and refining my design style. I then put my style into my Graphic Design Portfolio, showcasing a select few of my college projects from year one and year two.

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Stop, Pop, Rock & Roll

My favourite band is Panic! At The Disco; this project heavily involves them! In Stop, Pop, Rock & Roll, I designed a vinyl cover recreating the 2011 P!ATD album Vices & Virtues. I also researched what makes a good vinyl cover and why they are popular.

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Sweet As A Peach

At Cheshire College South & West, the Performing Arts team wrote and performed their own take on Roal Dahl's James and the Giant Peach. The Graphics department had the opportunity to design the posters, and my poster won the hearts of those in the production. 


I'm Lovin' It

To promote the 2022 World Cup, me and a group of other designers were tasked with creating window displays for our local Congleton store! In this project, I led my group to the final production stage and created artwork that the client loved.

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Trust The Process

A design cycle is key for a successful project, and Trust The Process is where I found out what my design cycle consists of - involving how I was a designer work and what my projects going ahead will look like!


Pantone Photography in Antalya, Turkey

This project is about showcasing the colour of a chosen area, whether our home town or a holiday. I decided to document my holiday in Antalya and created colour cards in the style of Pantone.

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Surface Pattern Design

In this project, I was tasked with designing a bedding set for Spring/Summer 2023 for the trend' Colourful Cottagecore'. I carried out trend research, did trend forecasting and designed a complete bedding set, cushions, curtains and much more!

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World Skills UK 2022: Passive Stage

World Skills UK is a competition-based project supporting young people across the world. In my college course, I was fortunate to be chosen to take part in the competition. The project involved making promotional material for a music festival supporting mental health. 


Packaging Design

One of my passions is photography, particularly Lego Minifigure Photography, and I also LOVE pizza. In response to an open brief, I combined the two passions and made a Lego-decorated pizza box!

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Gaming Logo & Branding

The gaming industry is very popular amongst young people, and at my college, an entire department is dedicated to gaming. As graphic designers, we worked with assigned clients to design personal branding they could use in competitions.

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Digital Diary: Typographic Exploration

Typography is all around us and is a huge part of the Graphic Design industry. In response to the question, "What does Graphic Design mean to you?" I created a digital diary answering the question with different typographic styles.

What's New On The 'Gram

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